制作书籍的封面图: cpp:
#include “sphere.h”
#include “hitable_list.h”
#include “camera.h”
#include “material.h”
using namespace std;
vec3 RandomInUnitsphere()
vec3 p;
p = 2.0f * vec3((rand() % 100 / float(100)), (rand() % 100 / float(100)), (rand() % 100 / float(100))) - vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
} while (dot(p, p) >= 1.0f);
return p;
vec3 Color(const ray& r, hitable* world, int depth)
//这个“rec”会在sphere::hit ()中带上来被撞击球的材料属性(指向一个材质对象的指针mat_ptr)。
hit_record rec;
if (world->hit(r, 0.001f, FLT_MAX, rec))
ray scattered;
vec3 attenuation;
if (depth < 50 && rec.mat_ptr->scatter(r, rec, attenuation, scattered))
return attenuation * Color(scattered, world, depth + 1);
return vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
float t = 0.5f * (unit_direction.y() + 1.0f);
//blended\_value = (1-t)\*start\_value + t\*end\_value
return (1.0f - t) \* vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) + t \* vec3(0.5f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
//漫反射材料和镜面材料的颜色:最后一次反射光线的方向向量的映射 \* 所有反射衰减系数的乘积。
hitable* RandomScene()
int n = 500;
hitable** list = new hitable*[n + 1];
list[0] = new sphere(vec3(0, -1000, 0), 1000, new lambertian(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)));
int i = 1;
for (int a = -11; a < 11; a++)
for (int b = -11; b < 11; b++)
float choose_mat = (rand() % (100) / (float)(100));
vec3 center(a + 0.9 * (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)), 0.2, b + 0.9 * (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)));
/*” a+0.9*(rand()%(100)/(float)(100))”配合[-11,11]产生(-11,11)之间的随机数,而不是[-11,11)之间的22个整数。使得球心的x,z坐标是(-11,11)之间的随机数*/
if ((center - vec3(4, 0.2, 0)).length() > 0.9)
if (choose_mat < 0.8)
list[i++] = new sphere(center, 0.2,
new lambertian(vec3(
(rand() % (100) / (float)(100)) * (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)),
(rand() % (100) / (float)(100)) * (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)),
(rand() % (100) / (float)(100)) * (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)))));
else if (choose_mat < 0.95)
list[i++] = new sphere(center, 0.2,
new metal(vec3(0.5 * (1 + (rand() % (100) / (float)(100))),
0.5 * (1 + (rand() % (100) / (float)(100))),
0.5 * (1 + (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)))),
0.5 * (1 + (rand() % (100) / (float)(100)))));
list[i++] = new sphere(center, 0.2, new dielectric(1.5));
list\[i++\] = new sphere(vec3(0, 1, 0), 1.0, new dielectric(1.5));
list\[i++\] = new sphere(vec3(-4, 1, 0), 1.0, new lambertian(vec3(0.4, 0.2, 0.1)));
list\[i++\] = new sphere(vec3(4, 1, 0), 1.0, new metal(vec3(0.7, 0.6, 0.5), 0.0));
return new hitable\_list(list, i);
//And add some metal spheres
int main()
ofstream outfile;
int nx = 2000;
int ny = 1000;
int ns = 100;
outfile << "P3\\n" << nx << " " << ny << "\\n255\\n";
hitable\* world = RandomScene();
vec3 lookform(13.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
vec3 lookat(0, 0, 0);
float dist\_to\_focus = (lookform - lookat).length();
float aperture = 0.0f;
camera cam(lookform, lookat, vec3(0, 1, 0), 20, float(nx) / float(ny), aperture, 0.7 \* dist\_to\_focus);
default\_random\_engine reng;
uniform\_real\_distribution<float> uni\_dist(0.0f, 1.0f);
for (int j = ny - 1; j >= 0; j--)
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
vec3 col(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int s = 0; s < ns; s++)
float u = float(i + uni\_dist(reng)) / float(nx);
float v = float(j + uni\_dist(reng)) / float(ny);
ray r = cam.getray(u, v);
//vec3 p = r.point\_at\_parameter(2.0);
col += Color(r, world, 0);
col /= float(ns);
col = vec3(sqrt(col\[0\]), sqrt(col\[1\]), sqrt(col\[2\]));
int ir = int(255.99 \* col\[0\]);
int ig = int(255.99 \* col\[1\]);
int ib = int(255.99 \* col\[2\]);
outfile << ir << " " << ig << " " << ib << "\\n";
return 0;
最终运行效果: 200乘100大小,每个像素点10条采集光线,运行时间2分钟: 2000乘1000大小,每个像素点100条采集光线,运行时间14小时:
我们已经有了一个很酷的光线追踪器,接下来做些什么呢? 1. Lights. You can do this explicitly, by sending shadow rays to lights. Or it can be done implicitly by making some objects emit light, 2. biasing scattered rays toward them, and then downweighting those rays to cancel out the bias. Both work. I am in the minority in favoring the latter approach. 3. Triangles. Most cool models are in triangle form. The model I/O is the worst and almost everybody tries to get somebody else’s code to do this. 4. Surface textures. This lets you paste images on like wall paper. Pretty easy and a good thing to do. 5. Solid textures. Ken Perlin has his code online. Andrew Kensler has some very cool info at his blog. 6. Volumes and media. Cool stuff and will challenge your software architecture. I favor making volumes have the hitable interface and probabilistically have intersections based on density. Your rendering code doesn’t even have to know it has volumes with that method. 7. Parallelism. Run N copies of your code on N cores with different random seeds. Average the N runs. This averaging can also be done hierarchically where N/2 pairs can be averaged to get N/4 images, and pairs of those can be averaged. That method of parallelism should extend well into the thousands of cores with very little coding. 参考书籍:《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》 RTIOW系列项目地址:GitHub RTIOW系列笔记: RTIOW-ch1:Output an image RTIOW-ch2:The vec3 class RTIOW-ch3:Rays, a simple camera, and background RTIOW-ch4:Adding a sphere RTIOW-ch5:Surface normals and multiple objects RTIOW-ch6:Antialiasing RTIOW-ch7:Diffuse Materials RTIOW-ch8:Metal RTIOW-ch9:Dielectrics RTIOW-ch10:Positionable camera RTIOW-ch11:Defocus Blur RTIOW-ch12:Where next